Dear Alumni member,

As Alumni Association, we have officially 1704 students residing in the areas affected by devastating earthquake. Since it coincided with the term break, a significant number of these students were caught in the earthquake with their families in their hometown. As of now, we have reached nearly 200 students, and still haven’t heard from some of them. Friends inform that they maybe still under dents, we hope and pray that they are still alive and can come out safely. Even survived, they can’t reach any of their belongings.

We have launched an Earthquake Scholarship Support; ‘ODTULU HOCAM YANINDAYIZ’. 

We have provided 2,800 TL of emergency support to 28 students in urgent need for their transportation etc. and we continue to do so. We want to provide scholarship support to these students until their graduation as it is unlikely that the wounds of their families will be healed in terms of either psychological or economic aspects in the short term.

At the moment, we all focused on people’s needs for rescue, shelter, feeding and warming and you have made donations for those, however as METU community, we need to see and plan coming days. Therefore, we have launched a continuing support to bursaries until their graduation and invite you to donate them through below link;

Education is the only key to reach a community to transfer our values and solidarity in a big picture so let’s help these students at least get this support until their graduation… 

Thank you for your support & solidarity.